

The WWW (World Wide Web) is a massive network-accessible information library containing most of the human race’s knowledge. This also means we can use the WWW to send information between different computers connected to the internet. This allows us to remotely share information from afar leading to an ease of information sharing.

There are benefits and consequences to having easy access to information and communication all over the world.

Ease of Communication Privacy Invasion
Unrestricted Communication Fake News spreading
Convenience Illegal Cyber Activities
Near unlimited Entertainment Addiction to the Internet
Worldwide Communication Isolation socially


  1. Ease of Communication
  2. In the modern day, we have a wide variety of options to communicate with someone else, if this is by email, phone calls, letters, or even live chat. Today we make use of all these methods frequently. This big variety of options gives us ease in communication.

  3. Convenience
  4. The WWW greatly increases convenience for the user. With the advances in technology and the increase in ease of communication, it makes accessing needed information easier. This can be from websites such as Wikipedia.com. Massive libraries of information waiting to be accessed. Also, easy video calling makes socializing from afar very convenient.


  1. Privacy Invasion
  2. Governments have tried to protect your privacy by instating laws prohibiting some forms of privacy invasion. This does unfortunately not stop all types of privacy invasion. Privacy invasion can lead to numerous problems for the user.

  3. Fake News Spreading
  4. With the unrestricted communication that the WWW gives you, it also comes with the problem of Fake News. This can become an uncontrollable problem where misinformation is mistaken for the truth. This can lead to manipulation and other problems. This is why we would need to moderate the amount of fake news by making sure the truth is brought out.