WWW vs the Internet


World Wide Web

  • The World Wide Web is a subset of the Internet. It is a system of interconnected resources that are linked using hyperlinks.
  • The World Wide Web uses protocols such as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to browse and access web pages.
  • The World Wide Web is a platform where users can view images and text at the same time on the same page. These are called web pages.
  • The Internet

  • The internet is a global network of interconnected computers. It has a massive infrastructure that allows millions connections between computers.
  • This network relies on physical and conceptual that make use of a variety of communication protocols. TCP/IP makes data exchange possible.
  • We use the internet for communication and data transfer between computers around the world.
  • World Wide Web The Internet
    Year Created 1993 1969
    First Version NSFnet ARPAnet
    Governed By Hypertext Transfer Protocol Internet Protocol
    Dependency Depends on the Internet Independent
    Nature Software Hardware


    Although the Internet and the world wide web are used interchangeably, they are not synonymous. The Internet is the hardware part while the World Wide Web is the software part. The internet is a collection of computers that are connected via copper cables, fibre, or even wireless connections. While the WWW is a collection of web pages that are connected using URLs and hyperlinks. The WWW is one of the services that the Internet provides.
